Firstly, we’d like to take the time to thank Josh MacDonald, who has served as League Coordinator for the past 2 years. Josh had an immediate impact on the leagues and brought a fantastic combination of professionalism and fun-heartedness to the role. He guided...
Revised February 2024 Halifax Ultimate (HU) strives to make all activities as inclusive and equitable as possible. HU is also committed to working with Disc Nova Scotia to promote inclusivity province-wide. HU maintains that this is a living document, and that...
THE POSITION HAS NOW BEEN FILLED. THANK YOU TO ALL APPLICANTS! Title of Job: Halifax Ultimate League Co-ordinator Position Description: The League Co-ordinator is responsible for making sure that the day-to-day operations of Halifax Ultimate (HU) run smoothly. This...
Rule Change: Dangerous Play To increase spirit and reduce the risk of injury, Halifax Ultimate is now using the World Flying Disc Federation (WFDF) version of the Dangerous Play foul rule. The main difference between this and the USAU rule is that there does not need...
HU is looking for some fresh new designs for our next shipment of discs. Send in your designs by March 29, 2019 for a chance to win a sick pack of prizes. The creator of the winning design will receive: 1 FREE disc with the new design 1 FREE league registration...