Tuesday Spring Indoor 7v7 Co-ed - DRAFT registration

Spring time is near, so that means it's time to get kick it into gear and get ready for the summer! HU is offering the option for individual players (or couples) to sign up for our indoor Tuesday 7v7 Spring league, and be placed on a team of like-minded individuals who want to play.

All games will be played at the shiny, new'ish, BMO Soccer Center in Clayton Park.

Players will be added to a team, provided enough players register to form a full team. If not enough players sign up, all registrants will be given a 100% refund by the first night of league play.

As always, we will be using our team rating systems for scheduling, so teams will only be playing against teams of relatively equal skill level.

This league is 7v7 (4M3W), continuous play. It will run from Mar 17 - May 26.

For a full list of the game times, check out this document: Game times document

Event Type
Individuals for Leagues
Open Cap
Women Cap
Not allowed

You cannot register for any events until you are logged on to the site. The system can help you recover forgotten passwords or create a new profile (and user ID with password) if you are new to the HU site.