Summer 2015 Thursday draft team

**INDIVIDUAL** player registration for Summer 2015 Thursday league.

This is a registration event for players who want to play on Thursdays, but do not have a team to join. Simply sign up for this event, and assuming enough people sign up to make up a team, we'll make one up! Don't worry though. If there aren't enough registrants, you'll get your full registration back.

This registration event is open to all skill levels.

Included in your team fees are:
- 1-2 games per week
- Prizes!
- Rating-based scheduling, so you will play against similarly skilled teams.

This league will run from June 2nd - Sept 15th. Games will start at 6:15/6:30, depending on location.

The fields used for this league are anticipated to be:
Merv Sullivan Field (Pit)
Ecole Secondaire du Sommet
Wanderer’s Grounds

All players are required to purchase a annual league membership in order to take part in our summer league. The Adult and JR league membership are good for a full fiscal year (May 1st-April 30th). The free intro membership, for "new to HU" players, is good for one season.

Introductory Adult Membership
Adult Membership
Junior Membership (< 19)

Event Type
Individuals for Leagues
Level of Play
All levels
First Game
Jun 4, 2015
Last Game
Sep 12, 2015
Thursday, Saturday
Ratio Rule
Not allowed
Registration Opens
Apr 22, 2015 6:00PM
Registration Closes
May 27, 2015 9:01AM

You cannot register for any events until you are logged on to the site. The system can help you recover forgotten passwords or create a new profile (and user ID with password) if you are new to the HU site.