Burnside All-Weather [grass] |
East Hants Sportsplex [turf] |
Graves Oakley Sportfield [grass] |
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Halifax Independent School (Hardwood) [grass] |
Halifax Mainland Common [grass] |
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Halifax Core
CFB Stadacona [hardwood] |
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Citadel High School [hardwood] |
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Commons [grass] |
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Dalhousie Sexton Gym [hardwood] |
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Dalhousie Studley Gym [Hardwood] [turf] |
Fort Needham [grass] |
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Halifax Oval [grass] |
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Kings College Gym [hardwood] |
Merv Sullivan Field [grass] |
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No Game Tonight [grass] |
Porteous Field (Stadacona Base) [grass] |
Saint Maries University(Hardwood) [turf] |
Saint Maries University(Hardwood) [turf] |
Saint Mary's University [turf] |
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South Common [grass] |
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St Stephens [grass] |
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UMMAH MASJID AND COMMUNITY CENTER(Gymnasium Flooring) [turf] |
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Wanderer's Grounds [grass] |
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Westmount [grass] |
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Burnside All-Weather [turf] |
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Cole Harbour [turf] |
Dartmouth High School [hardwood] |
Dartmouth Sportsplex(Hardwood flooring) [turf] |
Don Bayer [grass] |
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Newbridge [turf] |
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Vball NS [sand] |
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Graves Oakley [grass] |
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JL Ilsley [grass] |
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Rockingstone Heights [grass] |
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Spryfield Lions Rink and Rec Centre - Court [turf] |
Bedford/Larry Uteck
CP Allen All-Weather [turf] |
Layout |
CP Allen Community Centre [hardwood] |
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Ecole Secondaire du Sommet [grass] |
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Glenbourne Parkland Soccer Field [grass] |
Rockingham School [Hardwood] [turf] |
Clayton Park
BMO Soccer Centre [turf] |
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BMO Soccer Centre - 4v4 [turf] |
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BMO Soccer Centre - 5v5 [turf] |
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Canada Games Centre [turf] |
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Halifax West High School [hardwood] |
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Mainland Common [turf] |
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Mount St. Vincent University [hardwood] |
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Park West [grass] |
Layout |
Chebucto Heights School [hardwood] |
Cowie Hill [grass] |
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Ravenscraig [grass] |
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Stanley Park [grass] |
Layout |