Spring 2019 Tuesday Men's 6v6 Draft

Halifax Ultimate will once again be offering a 6v6 indoor men's league this spring!

The league is open to all players of any skill level, as teams will be balanced via a draft with experienced captains provided for each team. Teams will be picked by captains at a live draft to be held at a yet to be determined location. This will be a fun social event to get out and meet the guys in the league, and have a good time while the captains makes their selections. There is a maximum of 90 spots available in the league so please register early, so that you don't miss out.

Info about the league:
- Cost: $60 tax included
- 10 Week League: March 19th - May 20th 2019
- Tuesday Nights at either 9pm or 10pm, 55m games
- 6 on 6 continuous play format
- 6 Teams of max 15 players
- Registration opens Tuesday, February 26 at noon.
- Location: BMO Centre -

Event Type
Individuals for Leagues
Open Cap
Not allowed
Registration Opens
Feb 26, 2019 12:01PM
Registration Closes
Mar 12, 2019 11:59PM

You cannot register for any events until you are logged on to the site. The system can help you recover forgotten passwords or create a new profile (and user ID with password) if you are new to the HU site.